Project Full Name

Organic Consumption in New Zealand

Funding Body OANZ 1
Total Contract Value ($ excl GST) $39610
Contract Number N/A
Start Date 4/30/2007
End Date
Principal Investigator/s
Janet Grice
Subcontractors (and organisations) Agribusiness Group  ? Jon Manhire
Staff Involved
Janet Grice, Mark Cooper, Hugh Campbell
Current Status Complete

Brief Abstract:

In 2007, Organics Aotearoa NZ (the Government steering group for the organics industry) conducted its first census of the state of commercial activity around organic agriculture in New Zealand. CSAFE (in collaboration with the AgriBusiness Group, Christchurch) were contracted to undertake surveys of organic exporters, local organic retailers and organic consumers to obtain some benchmarks as to the size of organic commerce in New Zealand.

Project Full Name

Organic Consumption in New Zealand - 2

Funding Body OANZ
Total Contract Value ($ excl GST) $22000
Contract Number N/A
Start Date 1/6/2009
End Date
Principal Investigator/s
Mark Cooper
Subcontractors (and organisations)
Staff Involved
Mark Cooper, Hugh Campbell
Current Status Complete

Brief Abstract:

In 2009, Organics Aotearoa NZ (the Government steering group for the organics industry) conducted a follow-up census (after 2007) of the state of commercial activity around organic agriculture in New Zealand. CSAFE (in collaboration with the AgriBusiness Group, Christchurch) were contracted to undertake surveys of organic exporters, local organic retailers and certifiers to obtain some benchmarks as to the size of organic commerce in New Zealand.

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