Towards the Construction of a Transport Transition Scenario for North Dunedin

PhD Candidate: Heidi Piña-Gasca 

Supervisors: Dr. Lesley Procter (Department of Sociology, Gender and Social Work); Dr. Janet Stephenson (CSAFE); Dr. Hugh Campbell (Department of Sociology, Gender and Social Work)

Project dates: 2010-2013


Brief Abstract

?Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life.? (Immanuel Kant)

There is wide agreement about knowledge production going through an era where the complexity of social reality requires new research approaches that can better address the transitions that are characteristic of our times. Recognition of the pitfalls of reductionism and dualism that for half a millennium constituted a requirement for 'objective' research, has slowly moved its development away from homeostatic or linear models to embrace the most valuable features of participatory action research approaches. Hence, this research project commits to the common quest to understand social reality critically and self-reflexively. The guiding principles of this research project are strongly philosophical and theoretical, which is the first step towards becoming a theoretical treatise for societal transitions in general, and for the understanding of the social aspects of sustainable transport in particular. Because we couldn?t be living in more exciting times for academic research, it is important to embrace these times of crises and shifts as valuable opportunities for positive change. 


This research is part of the Energy Cultures project, which is funded through the Foundation for Research, Science, and Technology (FRST).