Archived Seminars

SAC # 44: Energy, Landscapes and Energy Landscapes

SAC # 43: Extraction, Expansion and Intensification: a historical material flow analysis of New Zealand?s Biomass Metabolism 1860 - 2000.

SAC # 42: Customeray Fisheries 101 (Nigel Scott)

SAC # 41: We don?t worry about their trout, why should they worry about our eels??: The changing politics of ?eco-populism? and freshwater stewardship in NZ

SAC #40: The moral economy of growing: orchardists/farmers interaction with their land (Lesley Hunt)

SAC #39: The Hunter Support Programme: an analysis of its operations and socio-economic impacts upon Inuit in one community in Nunavik - Northern Québec (Nicole Gombay)

SAC #38: Exploring farmers' cultural resistance to agri-environmental policy in Europe (Rob Burton)

SAC #37: Pesticides in Remote Alpine and Polar Ecosystems (Kimberly Hageman)

SAC #36: The Construction of the Grasslands in ?Newest England?: New Zealand 1850s-1920s (Tom Brooking)

SAC #35: The Stepford Chickens (Mike King)

SAC #34: Pesticides in Remote Alpine and Polar Ecosystems (Kimberly Hageman)

SAC #33: Survival Strategies: Bio-Dynamics, Terroir and Productionist Viticulture (Scott Willis)

SAC #32: Life in the Audit Lane: Retail driven audits schemes and the sustainability of New Zealand agriculture (Chris Rosin)

SAC #31: Peak oil and climate change: A grass roots response (Dugald MacTavish)

SAC #30: Mapuche communities from the Valdivian Ecoregion?s Coastal Range, Southern Chile?building toward sustainability (Macarena Drougett)