Archived Seminars

Development in an era of uncertainty and crisis
Barry Coates – Oxfam NZ
Centre for Sustainability Seminar Room, Friday 10 August, 2-3pm


This seminar will consider the challenge of development in an era of uncertainty and crisis. The landscape of development has changed rapidly over the past decade and new approaches are needed to needed. Barry Coates will lead a discussion about new thinking on development, challenges facing the Pacific and the changing landscape in New Zealand.

About the speaker:

Barry Coates is Executive Director of Oxfam New Zealand, an affiliate of Oxfam International. He is a member of the boards of the Global Campaign for Climate Action, the Civil Society Steering Committee for the UN 4th Conference on Least Developed Countries, the Australia and NZ Fairtrade Labelling organisation, and was the past chair of the NZ Council for International Development. Barry worked outside New Zealand for several decades, and played a leading role in international campaigns and events like the Earth Summit in 1992, WTO Ministerials and climate change negotiations from Bali to Cancun. Before returning to New Zealand in September 2003, Barry was Director of the World Development Movement (WDM) in the UK. He has degree in economics and a Masters from Yale University, and started his working career in Samoa.

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