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New book on Agricultural Sustainability

CSAFE is proud to announce it's involvement in a new publication on agricultural sustainability, published this year, edited jointly by Prof. Hugh Campbell.

Rethinking Agricultural Policy Regime. Food Security, Climate Change and the Future Resilience of Global Agriculture. Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing.


Reidar Almås, Centre for Rural Research, Trondheim, Norway and

Hugh Campbell, University of Otago, Duneden, New Zealand (Eds): 

This is the first book to try and understand global agricultural policy in the light of new shocks like the World Food Crisis of 2008-2011. This book provides the first discussion of the new term ?neo-productivism? in the context of European agricultural policy, and introduces the concept of resilience to discussion of global agricultural policy. This book provides a reframing of the old stalemate between neoliberal and multifunctional approaches to agricultural policy by confronting new challenges around the World Food Crisis, climate change, and resilience.

Prominent contributors include scholars with an international reputation in the field of agricultural policy, agricultural history and rural sociology.

