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Centre welcomes new researcher

New staff member Michelle Scott will be putting her psychology background to good use as a researcher for the Energy Cultures II project.

Michelle, who is from Perth, Scotland, has a BSc in Psychology from the University of Dundee (Scotland), an MSc in Psychological Research from the University of Sheffield (England) and has recently completed her PhD in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) at the University of Madeira in Portugal.

?The Energy Cultures project is very relevant to my PhD. I was part of a larger project at the Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute called Sinais, which focussed on sensing energy consumption in the home and providing feedback to households,? she says.

?We also measured people?s transportation behaviour.  I worked on understanding people?s choices and trying to use theories of psychology to influence those choices and provide feedback.?

Michelle enjoyed working in a multi-disciplinary team in Madeira and is looking forward to this aspect of her job at the Centre.

?I like learning new methods and being exposed to different disciplines or perspectives. It?s using different ways to solve the same problem.??
