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New projects to begin as Centre included in five new research bids

The Centre for Sustainability is included in five successful bids from MSI in this year's rounds, including one project, Energy Cultures 2, which the Centre will lead.

These are:

  • Energy Cultures 2 ? led from Otago (4 years)
  • Understanding factors that build resilience in NZ ? led from Massey Uni (2 years)
  • Agricultural Intensification and Climate Change ? led from Agribusiness Development Group (2 years)
  • Sustainability Dashboard ? led from Agribusiness Development Group (6 years)
  • Renewable Energy and the Smart Grid ? led from Canterbury Uni (6 years)

Centre Director Dr Janet Stephenson is delighted by the success and offers "huge congratulations to everyone involved in developing these bids".

"This represents an enormous amount of creative thinking, team-building and sheer hard slog.  

"The successful projects provide consolidation and extension of most of CSAFE?s core strengths, some stretch into new areas, and give us a good solid financial base.  Viva CSAFE!"
