Archived Seminars

What does it take to be resilient? A case study of rice agriculture in Indonesia.
Presenter: Angga Dwiartama

September 20, 4-5pm
Centre for Sustainability, 547 Castle St.


Recently, discussions focusing on agricultural sustainability have increasingly referred to resilience, a concept that offers an understanding of stability and transformation within social-ecological systems as well as a defining a normative aspect of improved management. Rice agriculture in Indonesia arguably exhibits many qualities of a resilient food system. Not only has it persisted for centuries within Indonesian society, it has also maintained its function as the staple food for the majority of Indonesians while undergoing significant transformations during the process. But how many crises and losses has the society had to endure to facilitate the resilience of rice production in Indonesia? This presentation provides a brief history of the development of Indonesia?s rice food system, emphasising periods of crises and transformations that have shaped the system?s resilience during the process.


About the speaker:

Angga Dwiartama finished his undergraduate and master's degrees in the School of Life Sciences and Technology, at the Institute of Technology, Bandung (ITB), Indonesia, with a focus in ethnobotany and biological resource management. He also worked at the same institution for five years in various projects related to the socio-economic aspects of biological resource management. Angga's research interests include sociology of agriculture and food (SAF) and its relation to social-ecological systems (SESs), with particular interests in food regime theory, actor-network theory, and resilience theory.

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