Archived Seminars

Knowledge, values and trust in the Danish organic food market
Presenter: Martin Thorsøe, Aarhus University, Denmark
4-5pm CSAFE Seminar Room ()


The presentation will take you through the historical development and recent trends in the Danish organic food market and discuss its implications for the formation of trust in the food market. Denmark is one of the countries with the highest marketshare of certified organic foods in the world. The development has been driven by many different factors, including a state controlled labeling scheme, effective storytelling, institutional support, interests in local food & environmentally sound production practices and extremely poor media performance of conventional farmers etc. Recently discount supermarkets have adopted organic products into their assortment, creating a big market expansion for the organic producers, but it has also created a fierce price competition among the different producers and expanded the imports of organic food dramatically. It is therefore an interesting question how the consumer?s trust in the organic food system can be maintained under the current market conditions.

About the Speaker:

Martin is a visiting PhD student from the department of Agroecology at Aarhus University. He has a masters in Integrative Geography and has been working several years with resource management in the public administration. His PhD has a particular focus on producer-consumer communication in organic and civic food networks. The PhD is a part of the larger EU funded MultiTrust project which is focused on developing tools that can maintain consumer trust in alternative food networks

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