Archived Seminars

Ecopreneurs: An emerging research agenda in Aotearoa/New Zealand

Thursday, 3rd May 4 - 5pm. Centre for Sustainability Seminar Room


In 2008 Drs Jodyanne Kirkwood and Sara Walton started researching environmental entrepreneurs or ecopreneurs. The collaboration developed through merging areas of interest - green business and entrepreneurship. The research began with a number of qualitative case studies from New Zealand based entrepreneurs which has been followed up with a nationwide survey. The datasets being some of the largest in the world. On paper these ecopreneurs look very much traditional entrepreneurs, however in our interviews their commitment to the environment and no-growth values were evident. Further research, carried out with current postgraduate students is looking at identification and exploitation of market opportunities; renewable energy and entrepreneurship and creative destruction and ecopreneurship. Ecopreneurship is emerging as a important field of study given the role of ecopreneurs as change agents in industries and organisations. During this presentation Sara will outline the key results to date and some current findings from the survey.   

About the Speaker:

Sara is a senior lecturer in the area of business, sustainability and the natural environment in the Department of Management. Her research includes analysing triple bottom line (TBL) company reports and constructions of sustainability, examining ecopreneurial businesses in New Zealand, business responses to climate change and natural resource based conflicts. She has work published recently in leading journals such as OrganizationAccounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal (AAAJ) and Organization and Environment. Dr Walton?s research has been recognised through best papers at the past two Academy of Management conferences; the discipline?s most prestigious conference and a Mary Parker Follet award for a co-authored paper in AAAJ.

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